
ABOUT THIS STUFF – It’s really awesome to sit outside and use the power of the sun to create artwork. Yes, it is a very slow process, but in a way, it is “therapeutic meditation”. I put on some soft music (which the song birds sometimes sing along with) and get into a relaxing frame of mind. Then, let the sunshine do it’s thing.

The “Gallery-Samples” page displays just some the variety of wood burnings that can be created using magnifying glasses & sunlight. There are many more ideas that I have and hopefully, I will get the chance to create them. In other words, “I’ve got a plan formulatin’ in my mind”. It’s very, very important to protect your eyes from the bright “solar beam” while burning and also to protect your skin from so much time in the sun. If you can imagine sitting out in the direct sunlight for 6-8 hrs a day, staring at a bright little solar laser beam, day after day, then that’s what it’s like. However, If I didn’t enjoy it, I wouldn’t do it. I hope you enjoy checking out all of my art. Yes, it’s different – – – but, I’ve always liked being different. Enjoy Life because you only get one shot at it.